Don't be a tool for Big Tobacco

Slate on the new anti-tobacco ads, where Big Tobacco boardroom meetings are reenacted as if on a Sitcom.

"In fact, the ultimate adolescent nightmare is to appear in any way an out-of-it rookie who doesn't know the score. These "Fair Enough" ads isolate and prey on that insecurity, and they do a great job. With a dead-on, rerun sitcom parody (jumpy establishing shot; upbeat horn-section theme song ending on a slightly unresolved note; three-wall, two-camera set; canned laugh track), the ads first establish their own savvy, knowing coolness before inviting us to join them in ridiculing big tobacco's schemes. The spots are darkly comic, just the way teens like it. And rather than serving up yet more boring evidence that smoking is deadly (something that all teens, including the ones who smoke, already know) the ads move on to the far more satisfying step: kicking big tobacco in the groin."

Truth - Fair Enough - Trendsetting Hipsters (2005) 0:60 (USA)

Truth - Fair Enough - New Product Ideas (2005) 0:60 (USA)

Truth - Fair Enough - silent teaser (2005) 0:10 (USA)

Truth - Fair Enough - (2005) 0:15 (USA)

I gotta admit, these ads are kinda funny. They can be seen Fair Enough site and in the archive (naturally).

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