Dude Wipes - Take it to the Hole Feat. Mark Cuban (2016) 2:55 (USA)

Dude Wipes strategy is simple, take one part product that already exists, add a cooler name and bro attitude, then take the internet by storm producing jokey ads in the vein of Dollar Shave Club and PooPourri. Opening on a joke where a poor man has a bathroom stall dilemma, it has some promise. But when knitted-hat jumps in, it starts going south. Individually some jokes are certainly funny, like the detail where our toilet-paper-less hero keeps running around with his pants around his ankles, but it wears thin due to the length of the edit. And that knitted hat. Bro-jokes galore about sensitivity and lavender scents, with a basketball hoop dressed up as an ass so we get the ass slap shot at the end...
This is material for a 30 or 45, stretched out to almost three minutes. If you can make an elevator pitch about your product, you can make a shorter commercial. The product is simple, it's a portable bidet so that you americans can also experience that extra clean wash feeling downstairs. At least it's not a three minute edit of happy butts, that has been cornered by Cottonelle. The product itself is a good idea, and not just for situations when you run out of toilet paper in a stall. But in the end all I want to do is set fire to that hat. The most useless celebrity appearance has got to be Mark Cuban here, he is as poorly lit as those duct taped basketballs.....

Come back Nadkins, all is forgiven.

Client: DUDEProducts.com

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kidsleepy's picture

Poopourri, squatty potty, and dude wipes. it's as if advertising realized "we've been making shit for years. why not make products for shit, too."