Face recognition technology ads are here targeting ads based on gender and age

I'm sure either Robblink or Caff posted this or something similar here to Adland before, but I can't find it. Seems that Minority Report scary-ads are now truly here - and they are already being used in tech-happy Japan, always first with the latest: NEC Develops Ad System w/ Face Recognition Technology

Participants stand in front of the display and hold a FeliCa-based mobile phone over the reader/writer. The system determines the user's gender and generation through the camera image using the face recognition technology.

The display shows advertisements that would suit the user's gender and generation, choosing from the 15 candidates prepared in advance. An electronic coupon that would match the attributes is sent to the user's mobile phone at the same time.

If users purchase products at stores using the coupons, they will receive a chance to win a prize. By analyzing the information acquired through these actions, the system can also measure advertising effects, NEC said.

Ok fine, so they're not scanning our retinas and saying "Hello Åsk, a.k.a Dabitch of Adland" just quite yet, but soon baby. I wonder what ads will be directed at me when that day comes. Award winners, I hope - with coupons for free Bishops Finger!

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