Febelfin- Children’s truth about banking (2015) :90 (Belgium)

What do children want to be when they grow up? Everything! Police men, professors, ballerina dancers, bakers, and radiologists. Anything! They'll be a brown couch if they can. What do they not want to be?

Bankers. Bankers suck. Even kids know it. That's the idea behind these candid kid interviews from Duval Guillaume for Febelfin. When these kids parents are living through the aftermath of the financial crisis, they don't have much sympathy for bankers, which is rubbing off on their kids.

Febelfin wants to change banking, not just the perception of it. Without change, we have no future of banking, as you can see no kids want to do that work when they grow up. Ok, so I get that, now i want to know how Febelfin is changing banking.

Advertiser: Febelfin
Client contacts: Wien De Geyter, Isabel Renneboog, Thomas Van Rompuy
Agency: Duval Guillaume
Creative Directors: Veronique Sels, Koenraad Lefever, Dries De Wilde
Art Director: Ad Van Ongeval
Copywriter: Jérémie Goldwasser
Managing Director: Karel Vinck
Account Director: Elke Janssens
Account Manager: Jef Leysen
RTV Producers: Marc Van Buggenhout, Tuyen Pham Xuan
Productiehuis: Borgerhoff & Lamberigts
Executive producer: Isabelle Baele
Producer: Els Chapelle
Director: Henrik Luyten & Lies Vanderauwera
DOP: Arne Focketyn

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