Firefox mural celebrates 50 million downloads.

Sidewalk and pavement murals are all the rage it seems, much like the recent save Lois Vitton pavement chalking, Firefox chalked the streets as well to celebrate fifty million downloads.

Here, real fans™ painted a huge firefox mural in the middle of the Oregon State University quad. Using a mixture of corn starch, food coloring, koolaid, and water a bunch of students at Oregon State painted a huge mural to compete in the 50 million download contest. Fans of Firefox are spreading the word about Firefox since day one, see earlier article about when the fans raised money and paid for a double page spread in the NYT.

Another cute firefox stunt comes from Jamie, 11 years old who did this to his forehead. "I liked the idea of the guy who sold advertising space on his forehead on eBay, but my mom wouldn't let me tattoo my head."

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anothercopywriter's picture

I guess the (not so difficult, really) question is which really deserves a student-led PR effort: the company that brings you haughty status symbols or the software that gives you tab browsing?

The little fox icon in my Mac's dock show's what side I'm on.

James Trickery's picture

Yeah lemme seee.... Expensive trademarked patterned leather crap or, free open source browser that lets even a fool like me write plugins easily. Tough call.