First Oprah, now Dr Phil banned from Swedish telly

Well, not banned per se, nothing Oprah or Dr. Phil says is that scandalous. However the product placements in each show are so many and so sneaky that channel four which shows them gets fined for nearly every show that they air. Oprah Winfrey is constantly talking about products and often giving them away to audiences, this is illegal on Swedish television so TV4 decided to cancel the show after being fined one too many times. Now Dr. Phil is getting TV4 in trouble.

"This means that it is difficult for us to send popular American shows. We can control our own productions, but we can't affect things that the viewers want to see that we have not produced" said Richard Wallentin to Resume.

While the fines may be troublesome for channel four, I wonder how the product placements affect the costs of the shows when they are sold to other countries. Do worldwide products bring down the price of buying a season of Oprah? Do viewers get annoyed when the products on the shows are US only brands? Does anyone notice the placements at all except the TV legal board in Sweden?

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caffeinegoddess's picture

Interesting. I've never though about product placement in that respect. Does the product placement law also apply to films aired on Swedish telly?

Dabitch's picture

Yep. It can't go over a certain percent as I have understood it, product placements in films are seldom 100% of the show like Oprahs free car giveaway was.