Fledge - "STUCK" short film - Belgium 2020

Like everyone else, Belgian production company FLEDGE are stuck at home  - " because the COVID-19 lockdown means we can't do anything anymore. All the shoots have been postponed and of course, we can't get any new orders, as we simply can't go outside." 

Not used to doing nothing, they created a short film called 'STUCK’, where every member of the crew worked from home. That's rather unique, as the editor was in one place, the producer in another, the director in a third and so on. 

The film depicts a woman so frustrated about being stuck inside. And a slightly ambiguous ending where it seems as if she's speaking to someone else, as she pets her belly, and saying that they'll come out soon. Whether this is a baby or a future creative project or nothing at all is up to interpretation.  

Production sompany: Fledge

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