Frida Mom - "Stream of Lactation" (2021) :75 (USA)

This ad is quite the revolution, not just for the topic at hand, but also for braving to show - gasp - nipples! 

In a very honest stream-of-consciousness style script, two women deal with the emotional and physical rollercoaster of lactation and breastfeeding, as it presents several hurdles for many women, and can be more difficult than you might expect. "Latch, ouch,  unlatch, unlatch!" had me smiling in recognition.

Latching can be hard, drinking enough water is hard, getting enough sleep is downright impossible. The scenes with the woman who had to massage away her breast milk congestion were so recognisable I held my breasts in sympathy pain. Nursing mothers may experience some or all of these things, and Frida Mom has the products that can help relieve some of the pain. Because it can be painful, let's be honest. I had a great birthing experience without anything stronger than oxygen to help, and I found myself sobbing from pain when nursing at some point.

However, once you do get past the hurdles, you'll forget all about it. I promise. The only thing I remember now is when my big baby discovered if you squished my breast just right milk would shoot out, just like it does for the woman in the ad. She would squish and laugh maniacally, and I swear to this day that is the funniest thing I've ever seen. A little baby comedian. 

Frida Mom wants you to be "Be Postpartum Prepared", and they have creams, leak guards, hydration masks, breast warmers and lactation massagers that help if you run into issues when nursing. A lot of women do, and it's about time this is candidly discussed. Well done, Frida Mom, for bringing it up while selling the solutions. 

Client: Frida Mom

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