Gene Simmons assvertises at Hard Rock in New York

We now have photographic evidence that Gene Simmons indeed 'assvertised' his show as we posted earlier by appearing with 25 models all wearing underwear that reads, "Gene Simmons Family Jewels" across their rears at the Hard Rock cafe in Times Square.

Bigger pictures inside.

If you want to take a closer look at the text on the tushes, click on the image.

Yes yes, everyone received the press release Wednesday the 21st of March, like adfreak for example and so did the Adland Hostmaster box. Sorry about the delayed posting of already done-to-death 'news' kids, real life got in the way.

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Are the women Gene Simmons pays to hang around him getting younger? Or, is Simmons just getting older?

"Family Jewels" isn't original.

"Assvertising" has been at the party far too long.

A rock star and young women throwing panties has been done before.

I only count 10 models, not 25.

And that's why he's Gene Simmons, and I'm not.