Grey Goose won't back down

Even though the National Advertising Division (NAD) of the Council of the Better Business Bureaus and the National Advertising Review Board (NARB) agreed that Grey Goose should stop running its ads. These ads include the results of the 1998 taste test by the Beverage Tasting Institute, showing Goose winning with a 96. One of the 31 other vodkas listed in the ads is Belvedere, a Polish vodka. They say it isn't fair that Grey Goose use that information in their ads as Belvedere has since recieved higher ratings from the same orgainzation.

I have to commend Grey Goose for not backing down. It's a bit of a whinge from Belvedere to think that just because they want them to stop it wll happen. Steve Gill, president of the importing company for Belvedere calls Grey Goose's ads "a game of deception." He continues to state, "Two responsible organizations have found their Grey Goose ads to be false and deceptive. Grey Goose has been deceiving consumers who have believed these fraudulent and misleading ads. Whether they buy our vodka or not is not the issue. The issue is honesty and fairness and integrity." Sure it is. "Legal chief counsel for Grey Goose distributors William Presti, said Grey Goose is within its rights to use the 1998 taste test results. 'We're pretty much sticking by our advertising statement,' he said. 'We're just proud that we're the highest-rated vodka of all time by the Beverage Testing Institute.'" The decisions of the agencies were nonbinding, so basically Grey Goose can blow a raspberry and continue on. Maybe Belvedere needs to learn from this and move on. Start a fresh campaign and tout your new taste test results. So something, but please stop whinging.

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* AdAge September 08, 2003

Sidney Frank Importing Co. said it won't comply with a National Advertising Review Board ruling to halt ads that use Beverage Testing Institute data from 1998 to compare Millennium Import Co.'s Belvedere with its brand. The industry trade panel judged the ads "inaccurate and misleading" because Belvedere has fared better in subsequent Beverage Institute tastings. Millennium filed its case with the National Advertising Division in August 2002; the NARB decision followed an earlier ruling by the National Advertising Division of the Better Business Bureau.