Hallmark Cards - Dance Card (1991) 2:00 (USA)

A group of young boys in the school library are asking each other who they will ask to the dance, and how. They come up with silly ways to ask, like phonecalls, or an elaborate game of telephone via a kid who lives on his street and has an older brother who can pass it to his sister who is best friends with another girl whose locker is next to the target crush. "Get a friend to ask for you, heh, I think that's what I'm gonna do."

"What about you, Shann?"
"Well, I was thinking ... what if you, uh, slipped a card into a girl's notebook?"

As he tells his plan we see that his crush has found the card, and she giggles with her friends. His friends at his table tell him that such a move would ruin his reputation, and they all start laughing at him.

But his plan worked, she thought it was "really neat."

Production Company: Pytka
Director: Joe Pytka
Producer: Bill Hayden
Cinematographer: David Cornell
Advertising Agency: Leo Burnett Company
Agency Producer: Gary Kaney
Art Director: Jonathan Moore
Copywriter: Dave Linne
Editorial Company: Cutaways
Editor: Marty Bernstein
Music: Steve Ford Music

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