Help the Eagles Of Death Metal help Paris

Vice had the first interview with the Eagles Of Death Metal in the wake of the Paris tragedy. For those who don't know, The Eagles of Death Metal were playing the Bataclan the night of the horrific terrorist attacks in Paris that killed 89 people at their show on November 13th, (including their merchandise manager, Nick Alexander) in addition to others around the city.

The interview is not for the faint of heart but on Thanksgiving Eve, it's life affirming that as a band they will continue to make music and bring joy to others all over the world and not let what happened destroy their spirit. They have some hardcore fans and will not let them down, nor will they let down the family of Nick Alexander.

If you're feeling thankful this holiday and want to do something for Paris, the band, and beyond, please consider donating to The Sweet Stuff Foundation, which was founded to give assistance to career musicians, recording engineers and their families struggling with illness and disability. Until December 31st, all donations are dedicated to aid the victims of the terrorist attack and the family of fallen Eagles Of Death Metal brother Nick Alexander.

C'mon guys. Admit it. You've probably used EDoM in your video rips and shitty case study videos without permission. The majority of us working in advertising in North America can spare a few bucks. I can't think of many causes greater than this at the moment. Do something good this holiday and help them out.

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