Hitler dressed in Pink in fashion ads offends Sicilian war vets.

Hitler Dressed in Pink

Yes, I know what you're thinking, using Hitler in fashion ads would be offensive to anyone, right? We've walked down this road before, from Nazi fashions in Hong Kong to Nazi styled skin creams.

But the ads for 'New Form' jeans, with the pink Hitler wearing a heart instead of a Swastika, which carry the line , "Change Your Style. Don't Follow Your Leader." were not intended to offend, says Daniele Manno who is behind the campaign, but "incite young people to follow their own style and not to be conditioned by leaders.". As long as they wear 'New Form' jeans, of course.

The ads have predictably sparked outrage in Italy, is described as shocking, and will be dancing around the press for days to come. It's almost as if they'd planned that, innit? With any luck it'll be as talked about as the sex with Hitler AIDS campaign. Adkids take note, the Hitler card still can't be played yet. Unless it's a scam ad for Luxor highlights.

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smizzly_bob's picture

Hitler: evil man, great fashion.

Neo's picture

As repulsive as Hitler and using him in advertising is, this pink photoshop job is fantastic.