Pretty cool sliding-doors-style interactive website for SPP, one of Sweden's largest pension companies. They only invest your money in companies that are beneficial for the environment as well as your wallet. In this rich digital experience, you can click and drag to see the future as you'd like it to be, or the future as a worst-case scenario.
The sound design and color are excellent on this. Little touches like the buzzing sound of electricity on the fridge when the guy in the negative experience is making his chemical/preservative dinner with sugary soda really enhance the experience.
My only criticism, and it's admittedly a small one, is that the music choice, a cover of "What a Wonderful World," made immortal by Louis Armstrong, is just too obvious to be effective.
Client: SPP
Agency: M&C Saatchi Stockholm
Martin Cedergren: Executive Creative Director & Partner
Production company: B-reel