Jack in the Box - Declaration of Delicious (2016) :30 (USA)

The new ad "Declaration of Delicious" introduces the Double Jack and a Million Burger Giveaway, and a really weird version of history. Now that David&Goliath have taken over the account, and taken it from Secret Weapon marketing where founder Dick Sittig brought the burger brand back to life after the E.coli outbreak in 1993, by creating and voicing its signature character, "Jack" no longer speaks. We miss Dick's voice.

Client: Jack in the Box
Agency: David&Goliath

Founder & Chairman: David Angelo
Chief Creative Officer: Colin Jeffery
Executive Creative Director: Ben Purcell
Executive Creative Director:Steve Yee
ACD / Art Director: Rob Casillas
ACD / Copywriter: Courtney Pulver
Art Director: Danny O'Connor
Copywriter: Kurt Warner
Jr. Art Director: Austin Ho
Jr. Copywriter: Dan Hass

Director of Broadcast Production: Paul Albenese
Agency Executive Producer: Karen Jean

Group Account Director: Michele Tebbe
Account Supervisor: Denny Tran
Account Executive: Katherine Chan
Account Coordinator: Shannon Stucke
Senior Project Manager: Lila Anton
Project Manager: Mark Diaz

Chief Digital Officer: Mike Geiger
Director of Digital Delivery & Technology: Robert Boucher
Digital Producer: Myles Scovill
Associate Digital Producer: Nat Wilkes
Senior Interactive Art Director: Steven Lau
UX Lead: John Randall, IV

Production Company: Caviar LA
Director: Ruben Fleischer
Director of Photography: Ken Seng
Executive Producer: Jasper Thomlinson
UPM/Executive Producer: Michael Sagol
Line Producer: Richard Weager
Head of Production: Kelly Bowen
Production Company: Lucky 21 (Food/Tabletop)
Tabletop Director: Tom Ryan
Executive Producer: John Gilliland
Line Producer: (Tabletop): Chelsea Nollner Sevadjian
Editorial House: Spinach LA
Editor: Isaac Chen (courtesy of Cut + Run/Los Angeles)
Editor: Ben McCambridge (courtesy of Cut + Run/Los Angeles)
Assistant Editor: Richard Gonzalez
Producer: Jonathan Carpio
Color: The Mill
Colorist: Adam Scott
Color Producer: Diane Valera
Visual Effects: Fell VFX
VFX Supervisor/Lead Flame Artist: Russell Fell
Flame Artist: Ben Gibbs
Flame Artist: Michael Do
Flame Artist: Mark Larranaga
VFX Executive Producer: Rachel Koch
Mix Facility: Margarita Mix Santa Monica
Sound Designer/Mixer: Nathan Dubin

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