KFC France brings back the Tuesday deal by launching the "Monday diet" where you get less for more

KFC France is bringing back one of its most exceptional offers, the TUESDAY DEAL, a bucket of 11 chicken tenders for 6.95EBut they also know that means you’ll need a big appetite, which is why they’re launching an even more exceptional offer – the Monday diet.  I guess this is a clever way to remind people of the enormous Tuesday deal bucket! 

Each coupon is for a meal with a little less. A regular-sized menu at the “discount” price of an XL menu, a free empty bucket... Customers can even find coupons, which will be in store and distributed in deliveries, for 2 free glasses of water, one fry, or its healthier counterpart, a leaf of lettuce.

Coupons on trays with outrageously bad offers where you get less for more money.
KFC’s generous offer, which began running July 13th, will be available until July 27th.

Ad agency: Sid Lee, Paris. 

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The little French that I know I am positive this works better in French. It's a fun idea in any language, don't get me wrong, I just think French ads have that *je ne sais quoi* irreverence where this would be better.