La Senza presents the cup sized choir.

La Senza presents the cup sized choir. Karmarama only picked up the business just last month, and they'ce already created this, just in time for Xmas-carols. Perhaps they had a little help checking out how was made. "Seven girls with bra sizes A to G make up the musical notes of the Cup Size Choir. Have a look, have a play at and have a Happy Christmas." Clearly, the campaign is aimed at men, the educate them about cup sizes before they do their xmas-shopping, women usually don't like being compared to keyboard-buttons and want to know if the EFG cups look good when the women wearing them are standing up. Go fig.

Ad agency: Karmarama

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brandingm3's picture

La Senza's cup has certainly runneth over, so much so that it runneth over here, too:

Dabitch's picture
Dabitch's picture

I'll clarify because people are asking what this is about -
brandingm3 logs in here, makes a single comment to this post with a link attached. The link leads to a post on his blog called "say no to those corporate ad blogs, subscribe to this instead", playing on the classic underdog scenario in way I've seen countless times before in this sites lifetime.

However, commenting (with a link no less) on an unrelated post on Adland, where he could have made a front page post announcing his blog, is in a word: spammy.