Lexus - Walk the Walk - (2012) :30 (USA)

Some people won't sacrifice style for anything, like this girl-model trotting down the street in heels that would be impossible to navigate a real snowy sidewalk with. It all looks great, of course, and so does the new Lexus which can handle all weather terrains while looking good. I bet it has a better grip on the road than those heels do.

Client/Spot Title: Lexus “Walk the Walk”
Agency: Team One
Chief Creative Officer: Chris Graves
Group Creative Director: Jason Stinsmuehlen
Associate Creative Director: Andrew Smart
Senior Art Director: Ryan DiDonato
Executive Producer: Sam Walsh
Producer: Jenny Valladares

Production Company: Serial Pictures
Director: Jonas Akerlund
Executive Producer: Violaine Etienne
Line Producer: Leslie Vaughn

Editorial Company: JumP
Editor: Richard Cooperman
Asst. Editor: Dustin LaForce
Producer: Gavin Carroll
Executive Editorial Producer: Betsy Beale

Post/Effects Company: A52
Producer: Scott Boyajan
Executive Producer: Jennifer Sofio Hall, Megan Meloth

Audio: Juice Studios
Mixer: Bob Gremore
Music: “Snowflake” by Malachai

Color: Company 3
Colorist: David Hussey

Director of Photography: Pär Ekberg

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What shoes is she wearing??? my wife wants a pair of those...