Maple Leaf Foods "Change your life: Dishes" (2013) :30 (Canada)

Hey Moms, now you can be totally selfish and force your family to do all the work with the help of bacon. hell you can totally ignore your kid while you're at it, too because let's face it, it's all about you, anyway.

Client: Maple Leaf Foods
Title: Change Your Life With Bacon
Agency: john st.
Creative Directors: Stephen Jurisic, Angus Tucker
Copy Writer: Jacob Greer
Art Director: Denver Eastman
Agency Producer: Anna Neilson
Account Service: Amelia MacGregor and Heather Crawley
Brand Experience/Planning: Allison Coggins
Director: Will Beauchamp/Jamie Cussen
Production Company: Aircastle Films
Exec Producer: Will Beauchamp/Jamie Cussen
Line Producer: Lauren Corber
Editorial: Aircastle Films
Editor: Anne Feldman
Post Production: Aircastle Films/Susan Armstrong
Casting: Jigsaw Casting
Casting Director: Shasta Lutz

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Great stuff! Thank you for sharing.