Martini "Play with time" (2017) 1:40 (UK)

Beautiful Italians moving in beautiful unison while ice cubes clink in glass after glass of Martini in this exquisitely choreographed spot. Literally every move syncs up with the song "Via con me" by Paulo Conte as everyone converges on the local piazza to get their aperitivo on. This was choreographed by Grammy Award-nominated Ryan Heffington. If you keep up with the latest in mixology trends, then you'll likely spot Simone Caporale, hailed as one of the best bartenders in the world.

And to make sure they can sell this stuff outside Italy, there are also cameos by TV and film influencers from Russia (Ravshana Kurkova and Sasha Petrov) not to mention ex-Formula One driver Susie Wolff, and French fashion blogger, Camille Charriere. Perhaps those names mean something to you. They don't to me.

Rome looks so fantastically pristine here and the spot is a joy to watch. I can only assume they hosed off the Roman strade for days before filming. Speaking of treading on ground, as charming as this spot is, it feels like something Stella might have done, in fact any brand who wants to own "joy" could do this. The only unique part is the Italianness. Either way it doesn't make me want to drink vermouth, or sparkling wine but as an execution it's at least fashionable which is what one would naturally expect from when representing Italy.

Client: Martini/Bacardi Brands
Creative Agency: AMV BBDO
Director of Creative Excellence: Nick Stringer
Creative Director: Andrezza Valentin
Copywriter: Toby Allen
Art Director: Jim Hilson
Agency Planner: Sam Williams
Agency Account Team: Anna Taylor, Laura Hazell
Agency Producer: Matt Towell
Media Agency: OMD
Media Planner: Rupert Holroyd

Production Company: Anonymous Content X Somesuch
Director: Autumn de Wilde
Production Co-Executive Producer: Seth Wilson
Production Co-Producer: Dougal Meese
Cinematography: Luca Bigazzi
Post-Production Company: The Mill

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