Mel B poses like Janet Jackson for "CoppaFeel!" breast cancer awareness

Mel B former scary spice and Jorgie Porter have stripped off and had their boobies handled by their significant others to promote the charity CoppaFeel! in the most recent issue of Cosmopolitan UK. It's a lovely looking reminder that hands should be touching boobies on a regular basis - if only to check for any mystery lumps. But as "hold my boobs, please" shows this pose is nothing new and one might think that Maxim, Zoo, Nuts and FHM are all trying to keep us aware of breast cancer with every issue as they recreate this pose all the time. Score: meh. Ya'll just wanted to do a Janet Jackson.src="">"hold my boobs, please" shows this pose is nothing new and one might think that Maxim, Zoo, Nuts and FHM are all trying to keep us aware of breast cancer with every issue as they recreate this pose all the time. Score: meh. Ya'll just wanted to do a Janet Jackson.

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