MrBeast Crashes Comic-Con With The Slimiest Toy Store Ever

We have some very slimy news about Mr. Beast, and it has nothing to do with the fresh scandal, of Mr. Beast collaborator Ava Kris Tyson, who has been accused of inappropriate contact with minors. Not that kind of slime, instead it's the toy slime.

MrBeast has unleashed one of the biggest brand activations ever at San Diego Comic-Con 2024, unveiling a toxic spill (and next-level toy shop) just outside the convention center.

As convention attendees woke and began trekking to the day’s panels, thousands were greeted by a mysterious overturned tanker truck oozing blue slime across the pavement. “Jimmy’s Toxic Waste Hauling Co.” on the cab door and a “MrBeast Lab” logo on the back of the tanker were the only hints of what’s going on amongst the tons of slime.
As fans gathered outside the tanker, mysterious workers in magenta HAZMAT suits directed to them to a line queue for their own safety.

Suddenly, the hazmat workers opened the back hatch of the tanker to reveal a slime-filled toy store inside, showcasing the highly-collectable MrBeast Lab toys in a surreal, museum-like display.
In truth, the stunt was developed to launch a collection of toys called MrBeast Lab. - a line of rare, ultra collectible monster beasts created in MrBeast’s secret Lab.

Once they toured the showroom, guests were even invited to participate in a “Slime Bins Giveaway,” where they could brave dipping into bins of slime for a chance to score their own limited-edition MrBeast Labs swag.
Guests were also able to purchase MrBeast Lab toys inside the toy shop experience via QR codes that drove to online retail sites.

The brand partnered with R&R Partners (the creative company behind “What Happens in Vegas” and the creative soul search) to create this one-of-a-kind activation, working closely with production company 60-grit to conceptualize, develop and staff the activation during the Con.

Chuck Monn - Chief Creative Officer
Matt Matzen - Chief Marketing Officer
Sam Dolphin - Creative Director
Jon Kubik - Creative Director
Bob Anthony - Sr Designer
Kat Urban - SVP Head of Production
Josh Burns - Executive Producer
Farris Hopkins - Producer
Sarah Lamberson - VP Brand Management
Andy Monn - Brand Manager
Danny Schotthoefer - Social Strategy Director
Chedney Rodgers, Senior Vice President, North America Marketing
Liz Grampp, Vice President, Marketing Communications
Bill Krieger - Director, US Marketing, Moose Toys
Peta Williams - Senior Brand Manager, Moose Toys
Brandon Sopinsky - Senior Design Director, Moose Toys




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