New York Fries celebrate their 25th Anniversary with Gary Coleman.

Gary Coleman New York Fries

You remember the New York Fries campaign with the cougar, the busty blond and the toupee wearer, well theeeeey're baaa-aaack, this time calling on Coleman to celebrate 25 years of the real deal. Gary Coleman! Yes, Arnold, from Diff’rent Strokes. "Coleman was selected as a fun and iconic image from the era of New York Fries’ founding." Whatcha talkin 'bout Willis?

He’s featured in special print, OOH and POP advertising celebrating the landmark anniversary with a line that reads, “After 25 years, some things are still fresh.” The highlight of the campaign is an augmented reality Facebook application that will bring a 3-D Coleman to life on users’ computer screens, where he will predict their future freshness. You can check it out at

“New York Fries is proud to celebrate 25 years of providing Canadians with real, fresh fries,” said Jay Gould, president, New York Fries. “We wanted to do something special in recognition of this landmark accomplishment, and Gary Coleman is a fun, iconic image, reminiscent of the era in which we were founded. The campaign brings us back to our beginnings in 1984 in a way that we can celebrate with both customers and partners who have been part of our growth for the past 25 years.”

In celebration of the anniversary, the augmented reality Facebook application encourages users to ask Coleman how fresh they and their friends will be 25 years from now. After installing the application, the user receives a coupon for a cup of New York Fries at the original 1984 price of $1.25. The coupon is printed out and held in front of a webcam, causing a 3-D image of Coleman to appear on the computer screen. The application then prompts the user to shake the coupon until Coleman spills his cup of fries. Their future, and the future of 24 of their Facebook friends, will be determined by how the fries fall.

Gary Coleman projection

Credits for the campaign are as follows:
Client: New York Fries
Agency: zig
Executive Creative Director: Martin Beauvais
Art Director: Allan Mah
Writer: Jason Buback
Planner: Subtej Nijjar
Project Manager: Erin Wilbur
Team Leader: Leslie Hunter
Photography: Michael Graf
Retoucher: Jeremy Thompson
Studio Assistance: Julie Riley
Executive Creative Director, Digital: Cameron Wykes
User Experience Architect: Bo Zou
Development Leader: Chris Czegel
Designer: Cole Sullivan
Writer: Jeff Mackay
Project Manager: Jennifer Costello
Creative Strategic Planner: JJ Sullivan
Developer: Joshua Ho
Designer: Karl Pawlowicz
Managing Director/Team Leader: Leigh Reynolds
Analytics Coordinator: Robert Hayes
Art Director: Stephen Headley
Director of Digital Strategy: Subtej Nijjar

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