90-Foot babe blogs for BuddyLee

A new commercial for BuddyLee jeans stars a 90-foot babe walking down the street to the tunes of Pretty Woman, view it here.

The star , named Natalia, has her own blog which like many blogs, starts each post with either I, I'm, My or It. Added bonus, you can call the number she writes on the wall in the commercial, 212-468-2817 and hear what the giant gal sounds like.

But no, that's not her accent according to this post:

I ended up recording the world's silliest message on my answering machine. I've been working with an acting coach, so I had the idea to do the message with a foreign accent. I'll admit it: my accents could use some work. Buddy thought I sounded Russian, my mom thought I sounded French and my agent thought she had the wrong number!
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