Kites in the sky, with adverts....

We've all known that you can advertise on most anything - the moon even, if you are to believe some nutty ideas - the beach, on most foods like eggs and pizza crust. Well, now you can advertise in the sky to match the sand-ads that your target market is messing up by walking on it. Kite ads are born. It was bound to happen.

"We are delighted to be the first company in the world to offer advertising on kites used for Kitesurfing/Kiteboarding, which is, today, the most exciting and eye-catching sport in the water sports industry." said Antonio Martinho, president of Kite Billboard Inc. and an avid kitesurfer.

"Ultimately, this new advertising medium will be present on all the major beaches of the world" Said Patrice Maughon, V.P. of Kite Billboard Inc. "It will provide Advertisers, Corporations and Institutions with an inexpensive and effective advertising/branding tool that can be deployed on any body of water in the world at a moments notice.”

All major beaches, except where prohibited by law. I think you can read that line as "all major beaches in the United states". The world, not so much. Details, I know. ;)
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