Pantone launches new shade of red to end menstruation stigma

Pantone's campaign aims to ‘embolden people who menstruate to feel proud of who they are’ and is done in co-operation with the Swedish feminine products brand Intimina.

The campaign is called the Seen+Heard campaign, which aims to empower and encourage people, "regardless of gender", to talk in more detail about menstruation. Intimina states the color is “original shade of red that represents a steady flow”.

"An active and adventurous red hue, courageous Period emboldens those who menstruate to feel proud of who they are -- to own their period with self-assurance; to stand up and passionately celebrate the exciting and powerful life force they are born with; to urge everyone, regardless of gender, to feel comfortable to talk spontaneously and openly about this pure and natural bodily function," Vice president of the Pantone Color Institute, Laurie Pressman said to CNN.

Pantone period red

Not everyone is impressed by this idea, which includes a donation to ActionAid, a charity working with women and girls living in poverty.

Jillian Popkins, ActionAid UK’s director of policy, said to the Guardian: “Around the world today, millions of women and girls still suffer due to the stigma associated with periods. Many girls miss vital days of school, or even drop out altogether, which is one reason so many women experience life-long poverty globally. Without the stigma around periods, more women could escape poverty, fulfil their potential and strengthen their communities. This important campaign will help change that.”

The choice to donate to ActionAid has upset some people on Twitter:

Chosen language aside, the color itself is alarmingly bright.
Intima has successfully tailgated on Pantone's fame in advertising and design industries for PR, but the choice of the word "gender" and "people who menstruate" may turn off more women and girls than it helps.

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Dabitch's picture

Reminder that Heinz has a better red.

Lend free pads, not campaigns's picture

That color is all wrong.