Optimum - 'Magic' - (2012) :30 (USA)

"WIZZ is all about collaboration and creating original pieces of work, so this was the perfect project for us to work on,” adds Wizz Producer Amanda Stubbs. “Being able to combine our studio resources with in-house post production facilities let us create something really special." See also Hot Spot, Ladies and Roaming Links: Blacklist: http://blacklist.tv/ Wizz: http://www.wizz.fr/ The Brooklyn Brothers: http://thebrooklynbrothers.com/

Agency: The Brooklyn Brothers Art Director : The Brooklyn Brothers Writer: The Brooklyn Brothers Creative Director: The Brooklyn Brothers Producer - The Brooklyn Brothers Production Company: Blacklist Executive Producer: Adina Sales Producer: Alexander Unick Associate Producer: Patrick Gantert Associate Producer: Sophie Gate Animation Studio: Wizz Director: Geoffroy De Crecy Producer: Amanda Stubbs Music: Bullet Producers: Patrick Oliver & David Horowitz Audio: AudioEngine Sound effects & mixing: Carl Mandelbaum Voice of Ben: Beau Mallard Voice of HotSpot the dog: Tim Martin Voice of Lexi: Talia Gonzalez

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