Parissa Wax Strips - Backvertising - ambient Canada

Move over assvertising, spankvertising, headvertising and pregverts and all those other body parts that we've used for advertising before - here comes backvertising, waxing in a message into a hairy back to demonstrate the effectiveness of those wax strips. I feel sorry for the poor dude. Rethink Vancouver tortured the fella and sent him out on the beaches to show the results. (and demonstrate the product on the brave)


Parissa Wax Strips
Agency: Rethink, Vancouver

Yusong Zhang : Photographer
Chris Staples : Creative Director
Ian Grais : Creative Director
David de Haas : Art Director
Katie Ainsworth : Copywriter
Jim Leith, Ann Rubenstein, Chris Nielson : Producer
Pearl Louie : Make-up artist

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