PETA - Stay Firm and Fresh - (2012) :60 (UK)

This is what happens when PETA let a proper ad agency do something for them, Fallon London turns old and young geezers into stud machines, bouncing their stuff on the streets, at the disco, and in the carwash.

Some of it borders on creepy rather than amusingly over-the-top.

Still, the studs are hip-shaking to techno while throwing come hither looks, proudly displaying their bananas, eggplants, cucumbers, and coconuts for World Vegan Month.

Oh, yes. You see, their point is - apart from the opportunity of filming men thrusting to techno in slow-motion because haven't we all wanted to do that? - that going vegan will increase your sexual stamina.

Once again, PETA sells veganism on sex. As in sex sells.

This is still a bit one-dimensional, albeit sort of amusing.

The theory that vegans have 'better tasting juices' has been around for a while, but no scientific study has proved this (and how would that one be conducted?).

As for stamina, in my non-scientific experience, 100% of the most stamina winner is an omnivore with an emphasis on omni, no need to take extra vitamins to avoid lethargy when he gets it all from a well-balanced diet and plenty of exercise (in bed).

Nods to Benny Benassi's "Satisfaction" aside, this falls just a tad flat.

Much better than any other PETA effort, mind you. Humor can be very satisfying.

Ad agency: Fallon London

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