Postmillenium pokes cow for yahoo

Post Millennium editor Benjamin Williams has recently completed an online viral campaign for Neverstop and Yahoo! The spots were written and directed by Wyatt Neumann and airing on Yahoo! The viral spots are promoting the new Yahoo! Video search feature and The Yammys. Read more to see the commercial with "cow poke" in it.


"The Yammy Awards will be the vehicle for recognizing the best new online videos that are increasingly making Yahoo! Video Search a rich video experience," said Lorna Borenstein, vice president and general manager of Yahoo! Search and Yahoo! Personals. "We see so many relevant and interesting videos in Yahoo! Video Search that we created The Yammys as a way to build awareness for creative and compelling online videos."

 Director: Wyatt Neumann
Production Company: Neverstop 
Executive Producers: Nasir Rasheed
Agency: Neverstop
Chief Creative Director: Alex Calderwood
Creative Director: Wyatt Neumann
Art Director: Wyatt Neumann
Copywriter: Wyatt Neumann
Agency Producer: Saxon Eldridge
Music Director: Wyatt Neumann
Music Producer: Morgan Griswold
Director of Photography: Ryan Gaw
Editing Company: Post Millennium
Editor:Benjamin Williams
Executive Producer: Adam Soutar
Telecine: The Mill
Colorists: Tom Poole
VFX: Decon
VFX Artists: Greg Davis
VFX Producer: Peter Bittenbender
Audio Post: Trouble Crew Studios
Audio Engineer: Justin Hopfe

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