The price of a sock puppet = dirt cheap.

From Pittsburg live on "the day the bubble popped".

It's telling that the most valuable asset of, the online pet supply store that folded in November 2000, was the attitude-laden sock puppet from its popular TV commercials. When last seen, the puppet was hawking a no-name credit company that bought the rights to it for just over $20,000.

Wow, that's a bargain.

Previous puppet-stories:
How many lives does this friggin' puppet have anyway!? March 11, 2003
The return of the sock puppet? June 19, 2002
Fashionably late, but Triumph finally triumphs. August 22, 2001
Creative Hand Jobs September 05, 2000, about the intellectual property case between and Conan O'Briens "Triumph" puppet.
Hat tip Claymore.

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