Pringles - Mr P - Chris Pratt's Mustache (2014) :30 (USA)

When he's out buying chips, Chris Pratt's mustache gets the attention of the convenience-store clerk who sends a photo out to all of her friends, showing that he looks like the Pringles guy. This predictably goes viral and leads to Chris Pratt playing the roles of a lifetime as Mr. P.

That's actually what happened when Pratt posted a photo to social media, showing that he had grown a mustache during recent Hollywood work stoppage. Soon Pringles saw it, and an ad was born.

Airing first quarter.

Fun fact, Pratt's father-in-law, Arnold Schwarzenegger, is starring in a different Super Bowl ad for State Farm. “My kids will be able to see me and their Opa Arnold in a Big Game spot.” said Pratt.

Client: Pringles
Principal talent; Chris Pratt
Ad agency: Grey, New York
Music: The Elements Music

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