Pucker Vodka - Pucker up / Ready for the Weekend - (2013) :30 (USA)

I'm not sure if this is brand new cutting edge whoah or an acid-jeans flashback to the 90s color-sceme. It's retro-brand-new-ish-with-a-chunk-of-Trontastic or something mixed in. A kaleidoscope of VFX and those bizarre temporary tattoo lipstics in metallic gold & argyle. In short, it's pretty hypnotic and leaves you feeling slightly hungover. I'm not ready for the weekend, I'm scared. Metallic lips will eat me.

Sonic lips have long appeared in print and on-screen; dazzling us, singing to us, tasting for us, and whispering to us. The challenge for Breslin and Havas was to create a new, fresh look that was specific to the Pucker® Vodka brand and would not reference the lips of days past. Not the mouth of Rocky Horror Picture Show. Not the retro smile of Twizzlers licorice. These lips had to look and say something fierce and uniquely individual to the modern day Pucker® Vodka drinker.

Havas collaborated with ODD to explore many different looks and transitions in order to find the perfect mix. Each set of lips is as unique as the flavors themselves. The final product is an attention grabbing, high energy, in-your-face explosion that embraces the Pucker® Vodka brand with pulsating beats that vibrate and entice.

"We wanted to make something that really stood out from a commercial break, and felt more like an awesome music video you wanted to see more of," says Breslin.

Agency: Havas Worldwide Chicago
Chief Creative Officer: Jason Peterson
Associate Creative Director: Ecole Weinstein
Associate Creative Director: Benny Jackson
Director of Broadcast / Digital Production: Matt Faris
Producer: Seng Rimpakone
Broadcast Production Administrator: Bonnie Hamilton
Account Director: Amy Packard
Account Supervisor: Abby Allsop

Animation / Graphics: ODD NY
Creative Director: Gary Breslin
Managing Directors: Tim Case, Charles Salice
Executive Producer: Alexis Kaplan
Head of Production: Matthew Turke

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