Remco - The Baby Laugh a Lot - (1970)

In 1970, Remco made the Baby Laugh a Lot, a 16" tall doll with a plastic head and soft plush body that would not stop laughing (if you pushed the button). The wide open mouth had teeth. TEETH. Very creepy. By 1972 they had moved on to make Laurie Partridge dolls, which somehow were even creepier. And you wonder why my generation is weird. These were our toys! I particularly like the shock horror on the little girls faces when they turn their heads to the sound. Rumor has it, this doll inspired Poltergeist. True story. (Not)

Remco Industries

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AnonymousCoward's picture

I'm at a loss for words. That ad is scary.

Dabitch's picture

I know, right? :))

Edith Hall's picture

I REALLY want one!

Dabitch's picture

I'm positive you can find one on eBay, but they really should bring it back for the people-who-love-freaky-things market.

Seraphimshost's picture

Nothing on Ebay...

kamari's picture

OMG this is freaking me out.

Andreas-Udd's picture

Holy shit, creepy

Seraphimshost's picture

I want this doll!!!!