Ritz crackers.- The Gathering (2020):30 (USA)

"Sometimes the family is the one you create," well no shit Sherlock, how do you think family units happen in the first place? The old boring stuff of people getting married and having offspring is literally a couple of lovers creating a family. No revolution in this statement at all, they just show friends gathering for the holidays, which is also a very common way to spend it when you're still single and or childless. Not everyone has parents to go home to. "The holidays are meant to be shared with loved ones, related or not."  Yes, we know.

This ad seems rather tonedeaf seeing as people are trying to avoid gathering due to Coronavirus. But somehow we learn that Ritz crackers with bits of cheese on it is "family". 

Client: Ritz

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This is just.. tame. Not even lame.