Samsung - Christmas round ours - (2014) :60 (UK)

Samsung has launched its first ever UK Christmas TV campaign, created by Cheil UK, to highlight its key product range during the most important sales period of the year. In thos ad we see countless ways that people use all of Samsung's products, at home and outdoors, to watch movies, capture moments, and shop. You see, Christmas in the UK is very much centered around family that watches the box, it's just that the box has changed and so has the meaning of the phrase "put your feet up".

Russell Taylor, Vice President, Corporate Marketing at Samsung Electronics UK & Ireland, said: “Christmas provides the perfect platform for us to communicate with a large base of Samsung customers and will help to make the UK’s biggest tech brand also its most loved one.”

Logan Wilmont, executive creative director at Cheil UK, comments: “Samsung’s first Christmas campaign was an exciting opportunity. It allowed us to show how Samsung’s technologies are part of the very fabric of Christmas in Britain today. Whether it’s TV’s or tablets, smart phones or smart watches, they are as much as part of the British Christmas as mince pies and Morecombe and Wise.”

Matt Pye, chief operating officer at Cheil UK, added: “It’s incredibly exciting to be working on Samsung’s first ever UK Christmas ad. Working in partnership with Samsung, we’ve highlighted how technology and Samsung fit perfectly with the consumer, their home, family and friends at Christmas.”

Executive Creative Director: Logan Wilmont (Cheil UK)
Creative Directors: Jim Eyre and Dave Newbold (Cheil UK)
Agency Producer: Oliver Featherman (Cheil UK)
Group Account Director: Andrew Boatman (Cheil UK)
Senior Account Manager: Oliver Zammit-Tabona (Cheil UK)
Production Company: Radical Media
Director: Josh and Xander
DoP: Lol Crawley
Producer: Josh Barwick
Editor: Jonnie Scarlett at The Quarry
Music: Massive Music
Post: The Mill
Sound Engineer: Ed Downham at Wave Sound

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