Sapient Nitro made a pinterest board called Big Idea Overheard at #Canneslions, and I feel really sorry for the person I presume was stuck in a dark room hand-picking the neat quotes from twitter feeds to make into inspirational quote boards. This is so meta, we almost broke the space-time continuum.
The quotes are typically Cannes though, first there's Daria the digital communications manager at Carlsberg who talks about the kids who do things out of love not for money. They later grow up to be the unicorn artists David Lowery talks about, see also the interview here : Collateral Damage: How Free Culture destroys advertising.. She can't be talking about kids around six years old, they do things out of all sorts of reasons but they seldom complete, clean up, or have a clear goal - and they have no idea about the value of a dollar. Kinda like puppies.
But because "art" and "artists" are seen in our world less as craftsmen, and more like these special magical unicorns who are "compelled" to "make art" and can live on air, we are taking our eyes off the ball.
Then there's Dick's observation that twitter gives you front row seat to everyones perspective around the world, which is pretty neat but also means you'll see everything from a personal experience in an Arab Spring revolution to some dim bulb making racists comments. The really high highs also give you really low lows and a gazillion fans of Justin Bieber which makes me weep a little.
The spot on Cannes comment is Toby Daniels noting the truffle-oil infused peanuts on a multi-touch display. How gauche, it'll get the display all oily!