Science World "Positively Painful" (2014) :30 (Canada)

Science World at Telus World of Science wants you to know that optimists are more healthy, even if they get a kick to the nuts. Apparently this was "banned," by Canadian television because they thought it was too violent. Or something.

Title: Positively Painful
Brand: Science World
Client: Suan Teo
Creative Agency: Rethink
Creative Directors: Ian Grais, Chris Staples, Rob Tarry
Art Director: Felipe Mollica
Writer: Morgan Tierney
Broadcast Producer (in house): DW
Account Services: Solomon Gauthier
Production Companies: OPC//FamilyStyle, Reco
Director: Chris Woods
Executive Producers: Harland Weiss, Donovan Boden, Liz Dussault, Michael Haldane
Director of photography: John Houtman
Line Producer: Darrin Ball
Post Production House: Cycle Media
Editors: Rob Doucet, Mathew Griffiths
Audio House: Vapor Music
Producer (Audio House): Kailee Nowosad
Engineer: Andrew Harris
Visual Effects: Crush

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