SkyTV MySKY HDi - Que Sera Sera - (2009) :90 (New Zealand)

Que Sera, Sera..... As long as I have my TeeVee I'm happy. Wait, what? DDB New Zealand explain: It's hard not to be Happy when you've got MySKY" Oh well, that's alright then. I'm sure that guy who gets his hands bitten off by a shark will make do with some remote-control-adapted hooks.

Client: SKY TV
Agency: DDB New Zealand
Production Company: O-Positive Films
Director : David Shane
Liquid Studios (Music + Sound Production)
Toby Talbot (Executive Creative Director)
Adam Kanzer (Creative Director)
James Tucker (Creative)
Simon Vicars (Creative)
Judy Thompson (Exec Agency Producer)
Ken Licata & Marc Grill (Producer)
Ginny Loane (DoP)
Digital Post (Post production)
Tania Jeram (Agency Producer)
Animation: Toybox
Account Team:
Managing Partner - Scott Wallace
Account Director - Danielle Richards
Account Manger - Brad Armstrong

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