Snakes on your motherfucking phone!

As if Snakes on a plane wasn't the most viral film ever already, they had to go and add a cherry on top with this snakes on a plane phone message from Samuel L. Jackson.

Just let them know who to call, and a little about them, and soon they'll get a call from someone who sunds a lot like Samuel L and knows a lot about that person... Oy! Fantastic.

So this is what it sounded like when I sent one to Claymore our resident ad maven.

In Jackson’s booming voice, the message begins. “I’m here today to make sure you go see a movie that holds a special place in my heart ...That’s right, I’m talking about Snakes on a Plane…You don’t want to mess with me on this one because I will come after you!”

It's a shame that Samuel can't say the name "Dabitch". Or Michelle, he says "Michael" instead.

From what I can gather, the technology behind the website is known as Modulate 2.0, developed by a company called VariTalk located in Chicago. Modulate serves as the company's CDMS (Concatenated Digital Media Server), and according to their website, it produces customized audio output that is virtually indistinguishable from an actual human voice.

VariTalk claims that Modulate has the ability to create and encode over 500 unique 60-second audio applications per second on a single host.

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