Stop the Traffik - "Girls going wild in red light district" - (2012) . case study

It starts out like a typical night in the red light district. Men mulling about outside of the red lit windows where barely clad ladies are flaunting their stuff. But then something happens, a woman shakes and another and another, all the while music by Raveyards grows louder over the canal. The six women perform a nicely synchronized dance in the windows of this building and attract even more onlookers. When their routine is done the impressed onlookers spontaneously applaud. That's when the sign above the building appears, and I applaud. This strut slammed a message down the throats of those who are the very special target, it doesn't matter if people have been dancing in windows before, like Osocio says the "pure precision of this one make it worthwhile." I agree. Well done Duval Guillaume. Update: the red light district stunt was not done in the red light district

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kidsleepy's picture

I love this.

claymore's picture

Somebody call Liam Neeson!