Theme park Liseberg halts all advert-teasing against Gröna Lund after fatal accident.

Liseberg, the theme park in Gothenburg, stops all advertising in Stockholm after Sunday's fatal accident at Gröna Lund. "It is purely out of respect for the victims and those who have been affected by this accident," said Karl Svedung, Liseberg's marketing director, to the Gothenburg Post.

The campaign for Liseberg was a cheeky tease aimed at Gröna Lund in Stockholm. The media space chosen was on the boats that people often take to get to and from Gröna Lund. Headlines read "Best ride today", with sub-copy suggesting it should take you all the way to Gothenburg and the largest theme park in the Nordics. Classic "advert-teasing" from Liseberg against Gröna Lund.

Gröna Lund already halted all of their advertising with action hero Kinnaman on Monday.src="">already halted all of their advertising with action hero Kinnaman on Monday.

On the other side of the boat the headline boasts that Liseberg theme park is 100 years, and encouraged people to "Celebrate a really great summer in the 'butterflies in the stomach' capital."

Liseberg created the campaign with the media agency OMD and their advertising agency Welcom.

Liseberg and Gröna Lund, two of Sweden's top amusement parks, have been friendly competitors for ages. These parks often engage in playful one-upmanship in their advertising. For instance, during Gröna Lund's opening day one year, Liseberg sent a big hot air balloon shaped like a Liseberg Rabbit flying over the amusement park. Similarly, on the seasonal opening day of the amusement park in Gothenburg, Gröna Lund had a hundred people dressed in full Gröna Lund gear queue up outside Liseberg.

Liseberg's marketing manager Karl Svedung told the Gothenburg Post, that Lisberg has chosen to pause all marketing with a focus on rides for an indefinite period. One of the commercials that has been stopped is the film about this year's novelty Luna, which was aired on TV nationally.

- It is only out of respect for the victims and those who have been affected by this accident. There are some children riding our roller coaster. There is a lot of ride advertising and it is the type of advertising that we want to pause for the time being, he tells the newspaper.

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