Toronto Crime Stoppers "Cookin' with Molly" (1:33) (Canada)

Here is a very dry, and dark funny spot directed by the always funny Michael Downing for Toronto Crime Stoppers reminding you that Molly ain't the drug you think it is. In fact Molly can be heroin, Molly can be a bunch of blue color and Methylone, MDPV, 4-MEC, 4-MMC, Pentedrone or MePP. Maybe even bath salts. The casting choice was great!

Agency: DDB Canada, Toronto
Chief Creative Officer: Cosmo Campbell
Executive Creative Director: Paul Wallace
Copywriter: Allan Topol
Art Director: Craig Ferguson
Agency Producers: Julia Morris, Lorrie Zwer
Account Director: Carly Sutherland
Social Media Strategy: James Ly
Media Company: OMD

Production Company: Partners Film
Executive Producer: Gigi Realini
Director: Michael Downing
Director of Photography: Andre Pienaar
Line Producer: Erik Wilson
Editorial Company: Rooster Post Production
Editor: Jeff Poremba
Assistant Editor: Brett Rostrup
Visual Effects: Fort York VFX
Online Editor: Andrew Rolfe, Fort York
Colourist: Cem Ozkilicci, Alter Ego
Audio House: Pirate Radio
Audio House Executive Producer: Joanne Uyeyama
Audio House Producer: Chris Tait

Audio House Engineer: Ian Boddy
Music: Paul Wallace
Photographer: Jake Bundock
Music: Paul Wallace
Casting Agency: Jigsaw Casting
Talent: Jason Jazrawy
Production: Partners Film
Director: Michael Downing

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