Trolli "Manicorn" (2013) :30 (USA)

A kid with Trolli-made unicorn horn puts mix tape into horn to impress other kids who do not see his Trolli horn as being any big deal. Weirdly Awesome!

Weirdly meh. It's just more irony with Skittles wackiness. That now established convention wouldn't bother me so much if the situations in the spot were as awesome as they are weird.

See, weirdly awesome is when your overbearing mother shows up to your college during the first month to tell you that she’s worried about your social life, so she’s invited the hottest girls in a sorority. And before she leaves to let you fend for yourself, the hottest of all the hot girls at school walks in to the room wearing a balaclava made out of Trollis.

Weirdly awesome is the fact that every time you open a fresh bag of Trollis, somewhere a leprechaun starts twerking.

Weirdly awesome is being possessed by a ghost whose only noticeable difference as a result of the possession is that they make you really fun to be around at parties. And because people want to be around you so much at parties, they’re always bringing you Trollis.

See what I mean?

Client: Ferrara Candy Company
Brand: Trolli
Campaign Title: Weirdly Awesome
Creative Agency: Periscope, Minneapolis
Executive Creative Director: Charlie Callahan
Creative Director: Rob Peichel
Senior Art Director: Jen Neis
Senior Copywriter: John Sullivan
Producer: Kelly Farley
Production Company: Hungry Man
Director: Dave Laden
Executive Producers: Kevin Byrne, Dan Duffy/Mino Jarjoura
Producer: Caleb Dewart
Director of Photography: Christian Spranger
Editorial: Arcade Edit
Editor: Nick Rondeau
E.P. Managing Partner: Damian Stevens
Executive Producer: Nicole Visram
Post Producer: Gavin Carroll
Assistant Editor: Carmen Hu
Telecine: The Mill
Executive Producer: LaRue Anderson
Colorist: Greg Reeves
Online & FX: Brewster Parsons
Lead Flame Artist: Louis Mackall
Producer: Georgina Poushkine
Owner/President: Darcy Parsons
Music: Echo Boys
Artists: Tom Lecher, Alex Berglund, Tyler Tholl
Audio Producer: Sara Davidson

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