Unfortunate ad placement of the week

Sometimes ads find themselves in the wrong place at the wrong time. Back in '97 when cutting edge news sites employed a keyword system to get the right banner near the right articles, it seemed like a great idea until a banner for Mercedes showed up above an article about Princess Di's death. Since then we've seen many more combinations like that, this usually doesn't happen in printed newspapers. But last week, Politiken newspaper ran an ad with a somewhat unfortunate visual of a girl holding a video-camera..... Perhaps I was the only one who noticed.

The top image is of London armed police and the headline reads: "British Police will aim at the head when they shoot". Below that we find the girl holding her video-camera as if it were a gun in an ad for the 48 hour video-marathon competition, which the newspaper Politiken sponsors.
It nearly looks like they're aiming at each other. ;)

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