- Christmas is this Very moment / Expectations vs reality (2020) 1:20 (UK)

Fed up with the perfect Christmas on telly, this family knows that expectations vs reality is a lost fight. But they love it anyway! Mother of the house loves the surprises, the awkward outfit for the Christmas play, the neighborhood putting up enough Christmas lights to knock out the national grid. The good, the bad and the really ugly home-made wreath. All of it!

And you know what, I love this too. Finally, an ad where the family home doesn't look like it's from Architectural Digest or Dwell. Where Mom, Dad and kids look like a proper match rather than a elite model agency pairing. Where the real anticipation for Christmas is so clearly there, and the selling point of Very is too - it's where you can get something for everyone on your list.

Music: Hot Love by T. Rex / Marc Bolan

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