To begin with, most conventional wagons cost more than a Volkswagen Station Wagon to begin with.
And by the time you add extras, like power steering, power brakes, power windows (and maybe even extra power to run your power extras), you could end up on the wrong side of $4,000.
More important is what you'll end up with in
carrying space. At best, 107 cu. ft. and in some cases only 70.
But with a Volkswagen Station Wagon you get 170 cu. ft. of carrying space, almost twice that of the average wagon, all for $2,577.* (And that's our deluxe model; the standard is about $250 less.)
Also, we won't try to push off a lot of expen- sive extras on you, because in the first place.
you won't need them, and in the second place we don't make them.
However, for people who think optional extras add status, we do offer the world's most expensive. (Above, far right.) Cost: $1,574.*
Grand total: $4,151.
Not bad, considering that even our optional extra comes fully equipped.
Ad agency: Doyle Dane Bernbach (DDB), New York