Volkswagen - That's how many times we inspect a Volkswagen. (1963) printad (USA)

That's how many times we inspect a Volkswagen.

These are some of the ok's our little car has to get in our factory.
(It's easy to tell the ok's from the no's: One no is all you ever see.)
We pay 5,857 men just to look for things to say no to.
And no is no.
A visitor from Brazil once asked us what
we were going to do about a roof that came through with a dent in it.
Dents are easy to hammer out. So what we did shook him a little. We smashed the body down to a metal lump and threw it out in the scrap pile.
We stop VWs for little things that you may never notice yourself.
The fit of the lining in the roof. The finish in a doorjamb.
In the final inspection alone, our VW has to get through 342 points without one blackball.
One out of 50 doesn't make it. But you should see the ones that get away.


Ad agency: Doyle Dane Bernbach (DDB), New York

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