Volkswagen van is 60 years old. Retro ad campaign nod to Bernbach. Print - France

DDB Paris nods to Bernbach's Classic Volkswagen campaign with this one, which celebrates the Volkswagen van turning 60 years old. Click on the images to ge pretty big ones where you can read all the copy.

Credits: Alexandre Hervé & Sylvain Thirache - Executive Creative Directors
Art Director: Aurelie Scalabre
Copywriter: Patrice Dumas

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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tod.brody's picture

Great stuff. What a genius Bernbach was and this is a nice homage. My parents had a two-tone green one when I was little. Must have been in 1960. I loved that bus. I had an orange and white one for a while in 76.

I was very disappointed when they came out with the Vanagon which I produced spots for with the US Olympic Hockey Team right after they won the Gold Medal in Lake Placid in 1980. What an extavaganza that was. We shut down Fifth Avenue in NYC and had the team and a marching band in Grand Army Plaza in front of the Plaza Hotel. I think the city suppled 750 police officers for crowd control.

Andreas-Udd's picture

The police van is funny.

argantil's picture

Yeah the police van is the whole campaign.