Weezer sues Miller, Y&R over misappropriation in ads

Last Friday, the band Weezer sued Miller Brewing Co, accusing them of unlawfully using the band's image to promote beer and other alcoholic beverages in a series of print ads by Y&R from 2004.

According to the alt-rock quartet's complaint, the three ads that showed up in 2004 on the pages of Rolling Stone misappropriated the band's name and image by stating that Weezer--along with "other bands and musical performers with whom [Weezer] do not wish to be associated in any advertisement"--endorsed Miller products.

Not wanting anyone to destroy their sweater or their image, Weezer frontman Rivers Cuomo, drummer Patrick Wilson, guitarist Brian Bell and bassist Scott Shriner are seeking actual damages (they feel the misappropriation of their good name has cost them millions); all profits received by Miller and fellow defendants from the ads in question; punitive damages amounting to three times either the actual damages or the defendants' profits, whichever is higher; and an injunction against any further use of the band's image.

Weezer has also targeted marketing firm Young & Rubicam and production company Giannini Creative Imaging in the lawsuit.

"Chug not" Miller campaign, 2006
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